
Public space for the needs of the elderly in large housing estates in Slovenia



Project description

Public space for the needs of the elderly in large housing estates in Slovenia

The problem of population aging is so severe that it has become an important topic in many areas, including in living and spatial planning. In case of Slovenia, this is particularly highlighted by two characteristics. First, after independence, extremely radical privatization of the former state-owned rental housing was carried out, therefore Slovenia is characterized by high ownership occupancy of dwellings. 96 per cent of Slovenians over sixty-five own their apartments or houses and especially after the age of eighty, the share of homeowners even increases. On the other hand, during socialism, housing construction was focused on building large, concentrated housing estates. In Slovenia, 40 per cent of large housing estates are buildings that were built between 1946 and 1985. Due to rapid industrialization and, consequently, urbanization, however, cities faced a chronic lack of housing after the Second World War. The countries of central and eastern Europe rapidly built up working-class neighborhoods in order to address the scarcity of housing due to large migration of the rural population to cities where it was easier to find a source of income. The urban plans envisaged that young and healthy people would live in these large housing estates, and therefore the public space in these neighborhoods was adapted to their needs. Because Slovenia is characterized by low housing mobility, and because the residents had the option to buy their rental apartments after independence, the majority of the first residents still live in large housing estates. As a result, the age structure of these large housing estates has changed considerably; their residents have grown old, but the public space in these large housing estates is still adapted for younger and healthy people, as planned, rather than for the needs of the elderly. This reduces the quality of life of the elderly, increases the risk of their social exclusion, and reduces the possibility of their active involvement in the community and the local environment. This is particularly worrying because the elderly would also like to remain or age in their home environment as long as possible, where they can lead their lives as independently as possible with the best possible quality of life, which is also confirmed by a number of studies. Studies have also shown that independent life improves health of the elderly, stimulates life satisfaction and increases their self-esteem. All of these can postpone use of institutionalized care by the elderly. However, it is important that the public space in large housing estates be adapted to the needs of the elderly to ensure everyone a dignified—and, first and foremost, high-quality—life in old age, and active integration into the local community, which is also an important source of social support for the elderly. For these reasons, it is important to explore public space in large housing estates and the needs, habits, and expectations of their elderly residents regarding this space.


Project team

The project team include established Slovenian experts from Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and Faculty of Social Sciences (Centre for Welfare Studies).

Project leader:

  • Associate Professor Dr. Boštjan Kerbler, Professional Research Councillor (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia).

Project team members:

SICRIS classifications:

Boštjan Kerbler, Richard Sendi, Barbara Goličnik Marušić, Maša Filipovič Hrast, Srna Mandič, Valentina Hlebec, Maja Jančič, Miriam Hurtado Monarres


Project phases

Project phases and their realization

The research project will last three years (36 months) and is divided into six work packages:

  1. Analyzing the current conditions and various aspects regarding public spaces for the elderly in large housing estates in Slovenia and elsewhere (8 months)
  2. Identifying the needs, desires, weaknesses, and possible improvements connected with public spaces for the elderly in large housing estates in Slovenia (13 months)
  3. Defining the (ideal) characteristics of public space for the elderly in large housing estates for Slovenian society (12 months)
  4. Preparing strategic guidelines and recommendations regarding the implementation of public spaces for the elderly in large housing estates in Slovenia (7 months)
  5.  Disseminating new insights and transfer of knowledge (36 months)
  6. Project management and coordination (36 months)



Reference arising directly from the project implementation :

  • Kerbler, B. (2024): Soseske zgrajene za mlade, zdaj v njih živijo tudi starejši. [Neighborhoods built for the young, now the elderly also live in them]. Delo, 19th August 2024, p. 8. [COBISS.SI-ID 209039363]. To access the article click here (in Slovenian).
  • Kerbler, B., Filipovič Hrast, M., Sendi, R., Šeme, A. (2023): The role of public space in shaping the quality of life for older residents: The case of Slovenia. In: Grum, B. (ed.): 8th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate: 2023 CIRRE Conference: Belgrade, Serbia, October 2023: Book of proceedings. Ljubljana, Institute of Real Estate Studies, pp. 582–596. [COBISS.SI-ID 172844547]. To access the article click here.
  • Kerbler, B. (2024): Že ena stopnica je lahko velika težava: starejši v neprilagojenih stanovanjih [Even one step can be a big problem: the elderly in unsuitable apartments]. Nedeljski dnevnik, 3rd April 2024, p. 3–4. [COBISS.SI-ID 191384579]. To access the article click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Hawlina, M. (2024): Izbira stanovanj za starejše je pri nas porazna: primerno domovanje v starosti je pomemben dejavnik zdravega staranja [The choice of apartments for the elderly in our country is overwhelming: Suitable housing in old age is an important factor in healthy aging]. Delo, 18th March 2024, p. 8. [COBISS.SI-ID 190563587]. To access the article click here.
  • Kerbler, B. (2024): Stanovanja po meri starejših. Invited lecture at the Symposium on Developing good housing solutions for living in the third age. Ljubljana, Zadrugator, Institute for Housing and Spatial Studies. [COBISS.SI-ID 189024771]. To access the summaries of the roundtable discussion click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Filipovič Hrast, M., Sendi, R., Šeme, A., Hurtado Monarres, M., Brezovar, Ž., Balant, N., Koščak, R. (2023): Javni prostor v večstanovanjskih soseskah po meri starejših stanovalcev [Public space in large housing estates tailored to older residents] (in Slovenian). Professional monograph. Ljubljana, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, 56 p. [COBISS.SI-ID 177828355]. To access the book click here.

  • Šeme, A., Sendi, R., Filipovič Hrast, M., Hurtado Monarres, M., Kerbler, B. (2023): Prilagojenost javnega prostora v velikih večstanovanjskih soseskah za potrebe starejših stanovalcev [Adaptability of public space in large housing estates to the needs of older residents]. Urbani izziv, special issue, 17, str. 47–61.  [COBISS.SI-ID 181620227] To access the article click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Filipovič Hrast, M., Sendi, R., Šeme, A. (2023): A public space for the elderly in large housing estates in Slovenia. In: Grum, B. (ed.): 8th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate: 2023 CIRRE Conference: Belgrade, Serbia, October 2023: Book of abstracts. Ljubljana, Institute of Real Estate Studies, pp. 340. [COBISS.SI-ID 172844547]. To access the contribution click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Filipovič Hrast, M.,Šeme, A. (2023): Prilagojenost stanovanjskega urbanega okolja za zdravo starost [Adaptability of the residential urban environment for healthy aging] [Adaptability of the residential urban environment for healthy aging]. In: Eržen, I., Gabrovec, B. (eds.): Health as a Source of Well-being: 1st National Public Health Conference: October 2023: Portorož, Slovenia: Book of abstracts and peer-reviewed contributions. Ljubljana, National Institute of Public Health, p. 295–314. [COBISS.SI-ID 167644163]. To access the article click here.
  • Filipovič Hrast, M., Sendi, R., Kerbler, B. (2023): Person-environment fit in urban neighbourhoods in Slovenia: Challenges and coping strategies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(6), pp. 5139.  [COBISS.SI-ID 145260035] To access the article click here.
  • Šeme, A., Kerbler, B. (2022): Koncept domov za vse življenje [The lifetime homes concept]. Scientific monography. Ljubljana, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, 177 p. [COBISS.SI-ID 115583235]. You can browse the monography briefly here or read presentation (in Slovenian).

  • Filipovič Hrast, M., Sendi, R., Kerbler, B. (2022): Person-environment fit in urban neighbourhoods in Slovenia: Challenges and coping strategies. The struggle for the “Right to Housing”: The pressures of globalization and affordability in cities today. Book of abstracts. European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), Barcelona, Spain, p. 96.  [COBISS.SI-ID 122621443] To access the article click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Sendi, R., Filipovič Hrast, M., Goličnik Marušić, B., Šeme, A. (2021): Physical characteristics of public space in large housing estates and their influence on daily lives of older residents. In: Grum, B., Temeljotov Salaj, A. (eds.): 6th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate: 2021 CIRRE Conference: Enchede, Netherlands, September 2021: Book of proceedings. Ljubljana, Institute of Real Estate Studies, pp. 11–20. [COBISS.SI-ID 90664963]. To access the article click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Sendi, R., Filipovič Hrast, M., Goličnik Marušić, B., Šeme, A. (2021): Public space in the local neighbourhoods and age-friendly communities. In: Grum, B., Temeljotov Salaj, A. (eds.): 6th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate: 2021 CIRRE Conference: Enchede, Netherlands, September 2021: Book of proceedings. Ljubljana, Institute of Real Estate Studies, pp. 28–42. [COBISS.SI-ID 90668291]. To access the article click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Sendi, R., Filipovič Hrast, M., Goličnik Marušić, B., Šeme, A. (2021): Physical characteristics of public space in large housing estates and their influence on daily lives of older residents. In: Grum, B., Temeljotov Salaj, A. (eds.): 6th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate: 2021 CIRRE Conference: Enchede, Netherlands, September 2021: Book of abstracts. Ljubljana, Institute of Real Estate Studies, pp. 42–43. [COBISS.SI-ID 77182979]. To access the abstract click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Sendi, R., Filipovič Hrast, M., Goličnik Marušić, B., Šeme, A. (2021): Public space in the local neighbourhoods and age-friendly communities. In: Grum, B., Temeljotov Salaj, A. (eds.): 6th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate: 2021 CIRRE Conference: Enchede, Netherlands, September 2021: Book of abstracts. Ljubljana, Institute of Real Estate Studies, pp. 44–45. [COBISS.SI-ID 77181699]. To access the abstract click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Šeme, A. (ur.) (2021): Public space for the needs of the elderly in large housing estates in Slovenia (PUSH). Collected references in alphabetical order – results of the first work package. Ljubljana, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Faculty for Social Sciences. To access the report click here.
  • Kerbler, B., Šeme, A. (ur.) (2021): Public space for the needs of the elderly in large housing estates in Slovenia (PUSH). Collected references by topics – results of the first work package. Ljubljana, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Faculty for Social Sciences. To access the report click here.


Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Trnovski pristan 2
1000 Ljubljana
Phone: 01/420 13 10


Associate Professor Dr. Boštjan Kerbler (project leader)
Phone: 01/420 13 38
Info: LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Academia


University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Social Sciences
Kardeljeva ploščad 5
1000 Ljubljana


The research project is supported by the Slovenian Research Agency
Grant numbers: J5-2568

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